Garage Door Spring Broken?
Most of the time when your garage door won’t lift it means one of two things have gone wrong. 1) Your cable has come off. More likely 2) you have a broken spring that needs replacing.
Type Of Garage Door Springs
Extension Springs are found on both sides of the garage door just above the rails.

Torsion Spring are the most common type of spring in the Tampa area. They can be located horizontally above the top of the garage door. A steel shaft runs through the center of the spring which is attached to the drums and cables.
Regardless of the type of garage door spring, they are responsible for lifting the garage door. When a garage door is down, the spring is holding perfectly calculated potential energy to lift the door from the closed position. Which is why most people find their cars stuck inside the garage when a spring breaks.

Why do garage door springs break?
Wear and Tear
#1 reason springs break is from wear and tear. Most springs are engineered for roughly 10,000 life cycles. 1 cycle being a full up and down of the garage door.
Rust dramatically decreases the lifespan of your garage door. Corrosion weakens the coils and leads to failure. It is best practice to lubricate your springs on a 6-month basis if you are using a lubrication like ours.
Original Garage Springs were the “Wrong Springs”
A lot of garage door companies in Tampa when out of stock will put a garage door spring to small on and “make it work” by adding extra turns to the spring.
Improper Maintenance
Nothing, which includes garage springs, last forever. With proper maintenance you can definitely increase the lifespan.
If you have not trained to replace garage door springs, we suggest you DO NOT attempt this on your own. Springs have incredible amounts of tension power on them. One small mistake can lead to serious injury or even death!!
Change All Bearings with Springs- PRO RECCOMENDATION doesn’t like to get upsold, but it is our professional duty to give the correct recommendations. We suggest replacing all 13 or 15 bearings no matter which garage door company in Brandon is replacing springs. These parts typically have the same lifecycle as garage door springs. When they are not changed it can put undue pressure on the garage door operator or create the risk of the door coming off track. We only charge an additional $150 to change out all 13 and $168 to change 15 if you have an 8-foot garage door. can replace your broken garage door spring in Brandon.
We guarantee our product by offering 7-to-15-year warranties at no additional cost.
Give us a call at 813-848-8803